One for The Books: Spaces
By Staff

Junior Andrea Gomez heads to class, photo by Alfonso Peláez

A model sanitation station, photo by Genyi Huang

Rice artist-in-residence Allison Hunter’s public art installation, “Hive at Rice,” photo by Brandon Martin

The student center misses its students, photo by Genyi Huang

Safety measures in the RMC, photo by Alfonso Peláez

The exterior of one of the tents being used as an alternative classroom, photo by Vince Wang

A view of the stacks, photo by Laura Semro

A student walks along the Color Factory’s “Rice Color Walk,” photo by Brandon Martin

A student on the move, photo by Genyi Huang

A student helps paint a mural by artist GONZO247, photo by Genyi Huang

Students make their way via Lovett Hall’s arcade, photo by Genyi Huang

“Stay Safe,” photo by Jacar Baldwin

A student waits for the shuttle, photo by Alfonso Peláez

Enjoying the scenery outside of Rice Memorial Center, photo by Jacar Baldwin

A temporary tent, photo by Jacar Baldwin

Senior Amelia Calautti at work in front of Jasmine Zelaya’s mural, “Detroit Red,” photo by Yi Lio

Maria Maldonado, a longtime Rice employee, works hard to keep the area nice and clean, photo by Jacar Baldwin