My Laptop, Myself

Winter 2018
Photos by Jeff Fitlow

Rice students spend so much time with their laptops, they practically become extensions of themselves. So it’s no surprise that many adorn their machines with stickers and memorabilia as a form of self-expression and creativity. Eight students describe their minicomputers.

 “A hot mess.” Aster O’Leary sophomore Jones College
“A hot mess.” – Aster O’Leary, sophomore, Jones College 
 “A collection of stickers that describe things I’ve done and places I’ve been.” Isaac Carroo Junior Hanszen College
“A collection of stickers that describe things I’ve done and places I’ve been.”  – Isaac Carrool, Junior, Hanszen  College 
 “It’s an Austin thing. This is one of my philosophies in life. So simple, yet bold and important. Just like the sticker itself.” Jose Roberto Corea III Freshman Hanszen College
“It’s an Austin thing. This is one of my philosophies in life. So simple, yet bold and important. Just like the sticker itself.” – Jose Roberto Corea III, Freshman, Hanszen College 
 “Lots of memes and Beer Bike merch.” Danielle Manahan Junior Brown College
“Lots of memes and Beer Bike merch.” – Danielle Manahan , Junior, Brown College 
 “The floral vibes always make me feel like I’m in a Victorian garden!” Aziza Salako Junior Will Rice College
“The floral vibes always make me feel like I’m in a Victorian garden!”  – Aziza Salako, Junior, Will Rice College 
 “Every sticker represents a piece of my identity.” Elizabeth Goodnight Senior Brown College
“Every sticker represents a piece of my identity.” – Elizabeth Goodnight, Senior, Brown College 
 “Free-form.” Isaac Schultz senior duncan college
“Free-form.” – Isaac Schultz, senior, Duncan College 
 “Things, places and messages that hold meaning to me.” Rebekah Bryant Junior Baker College
“Things, places and messages that hold meaning to me.” – Rebekah Bryant, Junior, Baker College 
