Alumni Books

Winter 2018

Term Life

Term Life: A Novel
of Love, Death, and Computer Security

William H. Boyd ’76
(Black Rose Writing, 2017)

It all started when Gus Bishop, a computer security professional in Austin, keyed the following Google search: “What is the difference between whole life and term life [insurance]?” Shortly after, a strange insurance salesman approaches him with an intriguing proposition. What if, instead of an insurance policy covering one’s death, it guarantees that the client can control their life — and death — on their own terms? Gus buys in, but at what cost? In his debut novel, William H. Boyd ’76 examines the themes of life, death and discovery within the context of current cybersecurity threats.

The Last to See Me
Mylène Dressler ’93
(Skyhorse Publishing, 2017)

To say Emma Rose Finnis has an intimate knowledge of her small village in Northern California is an understatement; she died a century ago, but her ever-present spirit continues to reside in the palatial Lambry House. In this world, ghosts are accepted as a reality, but the living are committed to destroying them. When a wealthy couple purchases Lambry House, they hire a ghost hunter to “cleanse” the estate of Emma’s occupancy, inciting a struggle between the living and the dead. Emma must do what it takes to avoid being forgotten forever, which begs the question: How do we leave a lasting mark when we’re gone, and what sacrifices must we make to do so? Mylène Dressler ’93 has authored novels, short stories and essays, and has been published in literary journals and magazines. She is a professor of writing and literature at Guilford College.

Teaching Poetry

Teaching Poetry, Embracing Perspectives: A Guide for Middle School Teachers
Sharon Discorfano ’92
(Rowman & Littlefield, 2017)

Poetry can often be an intimidating subject, especially for young students. In her book, Sharon Discorfano ’92 channels more than 20 years of experience in writing and education to show teachers how to make poetry accessible and engaging to their students. In fact, Discorfano attests that middle schoolers are the ideal age to introduce to the study of poetry. “Developmentally, middle school students are right on the cusp of starting to think more abstractly. In addition, poetry characteristically expresses complex emotions that they are just starting to experience for themselves,” she writes. This comprehensive guide is split into two parts, one on reading and the other on writing poems, to emphasize the great impact this field of study has on children both inside and outside the classroom.



“Things So Light They Find the
Act of Falling Heavy Going”

On yellow wings too light to touch down
a swallowtail crosses the sun-shining river —
her wavy path, tiny ups and downs.
Yellow wings too light to touch down
most of her life spent far-shore bound.
What’s over there that she can’t find here?
On yellow wings too light to touch down
she crosses, unswallowed, the sun-shining river.

— Kyndall Krist
