Featured Contributors

Summer 2023


Hilary C. Ritz
(“One Wild World”) joined Rice as an editor and writer in January after seven years as the editor-in-chief of a small press and even longer doing freelance editing work. In her spare time, she pens science fiction and fantasy novels; see hchritz.com.


David Junkin
(“The Strategist”) is an award-winning illustrator living in Montreal, Canada. His work has made the pages of The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and Golf Digest, to name just a few.


Tracey Rhoades
(“The Clean Room”) is a 30-year Rice veteran who has edited and written too many stories, magazine issues and university publications to count. However, visiting and learning about Rice’s clean room was a first for her. “The facility and its leader, Tim Gilheart, really wowed me,” she says.


Elena Lacey ’13
(“COVID-19, Compounded”) is currently an art director at The Washington Post, where she commissions art and illustrates. She also eats a lot of Cheez-Its.


Silvia Cernea Clark
(“Inventive Minds”) helps keep the world at large informed about science and engineering research at Rice. She is a seasoned writer with experience in a variety of registers, from the technical to the literary. Cernea Clark holds a doctorate in comparative literature from Brown University. 


Wesley Allsbrook
(“Environmental Awakening”) writes and draws for print, TV, film, games and immersive media. Her work has been recognized by The Society of Publication Designers, Communication Arts and Sundance Film Festival, among others. She’s autistic.
