Behind the Ballot

Rice students, staff and faculty are transforming this election season into opportunities for learning and participation.

Behind the Ballot illustration
Illustration by James Heimer

Fall 2024
By Katy Munger and Lynn Gosnell

From scholarly expertise and innovative curricula to precinct management and special events, Rice’s collective knowledge in voting and elections is on full and innovative display this election season. Our roundup includes stories about the Baker Institute’s plan for bipartisan election reform, the local voting precinct hosted on Rice’s campus, new findings in voter and election research and a host of courses bringing election topics to the classrooms. 

Lifting Voter Confidence
A bipartisan blueprint for national voting standards takes hold, driven by the longterm collaboration between Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy and Emory University’s Carter Center. 

Passing the Torch
In a unique experiential course called "How to Run for Office," sociocultural anthropologist Elizabeth “Libby” Vann is preparing a new generation for public service. "Students are really interested in political engagement right now, but they’re also concerned about the health of democracy."

Welcoming the Vote
Meet the Rice sophomore who is the presiding judge of Harris County Precinct 361, which includes a busy on-campus voting center, and learn about how she's preparing for the upcoming election season.

Get Informed
During every presidential transition, the research experts at Rice's top-ranked Baker Institute for Public Policy prepare policy briefs on critical national issues. New this year: Baker's “Election 2024: Policy Playbook" is being shared more broadly, with voters, candidates, the media, policymakers and industry leaders.

Just the Facts
Rice’s scholarly expertise in voting and elections runs deep. Here’s a sampling of faculty whose research informs the public during this — and every — election season.
